At Blue Sky Money, we write about personal finance topics across the USA and the UK. Why? Because I’m British, but I live in the USA, and I’m fascinated by all things money and financial independence related.
This post keeps a running list of all the UK Personal Finance blogs I’m aware of exploring personal finance, financial independence, retiring early or on time. By the way, I mean blog to mean websites, videos, podcasts and even TikToks. I’m not fussy. And no, I don’t take any responsibility for the quality of the advice given!
If you’d like your UK relevant personal finance or financial independence / FIRE blog featured here, feel free to get in touch with us.
UK Personal Finance Blogs list
First, here’s my top ten list of UK Finance Blog sites.

Facebook – Financial Independence UK

Playing With FIRE


The Humble Penny

Meaningful Money

The Escape Artist

Emma Drew


The best Personal Finance / Financial Independence podcasts
I find the financial independence podcasts so easy to consume. I first got hooked on an American one – ChooseFI – but have since become addicted to many. These are the podcasts with a UK connection that I’m aware of.
Mad Fientist

Money to the Masses

Meaningful Money Podcast

In Her Shoes

Maven Money

Money Hat Tip

Informed Choice Radio

Property Hub

Let me know if there’s any more podcasts you’d add!
Other Personal Finance and Financial Independence blogs
Here, I track the other sites I’m aware of. No, this list isn’t pretty. But it’s functional and it does the job 🙂
What next?
Why not learn about the ten building blocks to financial freedom?