Financial Independence

Here, you can learn more about how to achieve financial independence and achieve financial freedom.

To be financially independent, your assets make enough money for you to live off those assets for the rest of your life. At least, that’s the theory :-)

Most importantly, enjoy the path to becoming financially independent.

How to secure your assets

There are ways to protect yourself against financial risks. Here we look at some of the key ones: Insurance and an Emergency Fund.

Own your Financial Freedom

Financial freedom can be yours. If you’ve followed the steps so far you now know: Your target net assets for financial independence. How long before you reach financial independence. How to reduce your costs, increase your income and improve your investment returns. How to protect yourself. You now need to take action to guarantee your …

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Why your savings rate matters

Adjusting your savings rate is one of the most critical tools for achieving financial freedom. In this article, I’m going to go through what the savings rate is, and why it matters.

What is the Financial Independence Formula?

The Financial Independence formula is a calculation do determine whether you have enough Net Assets to live on for the rest of your life. The Financial Independence formula should not be confused with the Financial Dependence formula which is a calculation on how you will have to work for the rest of your life. What …

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Know Your Net Assets

To become financially free, you must understand your personal net assets. Your Net Assets are the sum of everything you own that has a monetary value .

Financial Dependence Formula

If you spend everything you earn, you are financially dependent. The Financial Dependence Equation is: Regular Job Earnings = Spending